Ekta Patel

Ekta Patel

Scientist & One Health Communications Coordinator

Ekta Patel, a scientist at ILRI, also serves as the One Health communications coordinator. Her research focuses on the livestock-wildlife interface as a key ecosystem in address its role in disease risk management and their function as carbon sinks. Specifically, her work focuses on evaluating disease and antimicrobial risks at the animal-environmental interfaces. This includes an in-depth analysis of the wild-meat value chain and environmental surveillance efforts, aiming to mitigate health risks and promote sustainable ecosystem use and management. 

Holding a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology and a background in Microbiology, she has experience in research related to drug resistance and apicomplexan parasites, contributing to East Coast fever solutions in Kenya. She has led clean water initiatives with Aquaya Inc and worked on fibroblast systems at Isolagen Inc. Her work focuses on infectious diseases, biosecurity, and the effects of climate change and development in Africa.



My Projects


Boosting Uganda’s investment in livestock development

Sewage surveillance of antibiotic resistance genes and pathogens from settlements in Kenya

Sewage surveillance of antibiotic resistance genes and pathogens from settlements in Kenya

Understanding zoonotic risks from wild meat at the Kenya

Understanding zoonotic risks from wild meat at the Kenya–Tanzania border

Circulation of antibiotic resistance genes at the wildlife–livestock interface in Kapiti, Kenya

Circulation of antibiotic resistance genes at the wildlife–livestock interface in Kapiti, Kenya

My Blog Posts

Wildlife co-grazing with livestock


New operational framework aims to integrate wildlife health into the One Health approach

Pipetting of reagents (Photo Credit: ILRI/Saleef Nyambo)


CGIAR Antimicrobial Resistance Hub enhances the capacity of laboratory professionals across low- and middle-income countries against antimicrobial resistance

Veterinary medicine for camel health and welfare


International Year of the Camelids: Collaborative effort needed to tackle unknown camel diseases in the IGAD region

This is the genome era workshop. Photo credit: F&S Scientific


Unlocking the power of the genome: A leap towards enhanced food nutrition security and species conservation

Giraffe at Kapiti (ILRI/Meyers)

Integrating digital innovation in wildlife conservation at ILRI's Kapiti Research Station

AMR Multistakeholder Partnership Platform


Uniting against antimicrobial resistance – the road ahead

One Health observatory infographic


COHESA's One Health Observatory: A one stop shop on One Health activities in 12 countries in Africa

Credit: ILRI/ Stevie Mann


ILRI’s contributions to wildlife research spotlighted at the WRTI’s inaugural Wildlife Scientific Conference

Kenya government officials visited ILRI's Kapiti Research Station on 18 March 2020 (photo credit: ILRI/Paul Karaimu).


Conservation collaboration: a joint effort to safeguard agriculture and biodiversity

Around the venue at Africa Climate Summit. Photo credit: UNFCCC/Lucia Vasquez-2


The impact of climate change on health and livelihoods of farming communities in Africa: A complex and integrated challenge

Cows drinking water in a drying river in Isiolo country, Kenya


New collaboration on pathogen surveillance announced by CGIAR and Concentric by Ginkgo

World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI): A Strategic Partnership to Safeguard Global Animal Health

Hot topic

World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI): A strategic partnership to safeguard global animal health

Woman washing in West Bengal


Antimicrobial resistance in agriculture – the impact of WASH and biosecurity

Zoo hippo dies: Found with COVID-19 in Vietnam


Zoo hippo dies: Found with COVID-19 in Vietnam

ILRI and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation sign MoU to collaborate on the development of genomic tools for Napier (elephant) grass


ILRI and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation sign MoU to collaborate on the development of genomic tools for Napier (elephant) grass


Stopping the global rise of high-impact zoonotic and food-borne diseases, and antimicrobial resistance


Building Capacity for One Health in Eastern and Southern Africa

Biodiversity conservation to control zoonotic disease spillover

Biodiversity conservation to control zoonotic disease spillover


Connections between livestock, biosecurity and climate change: Challenges and Opportunities of strengthening Africa's disease preparedness and response capacities


Scientists identify genomic regions controlling important genetic traits for Napier grass

Making a subunit vaccine against contagious bovine pleuropneumonia to improve the livelihoods of cattle owners in Africa


Cryoconservation of African poultry breeds: Safeguarding indigenous and endangered breeds

ILRI and ICARS sign a collaborative agreement to address antimicrobial resistance in low-and middle-income countries


Bridging the gap between scientists and the media when communicating about One Health


Dairy genetics gains platform launches dairy e-learning tool for farmers across Africa


Supply and delivery of antimicrobials in smallholder livestock productions system in Uganda


A new animal health platform to generate products and transform animal health services for low- and middle-income countries


Genomic selection for tropical forage grasses: A solution to meet the growing global demand for animal-source foods


Scientists in Africa explore use of surrogate sires to improve small ruminant breeds


ILRI’s annual Capacity Development Grand Challenge sees an increased number of entries in 2020


Peter Hotez at ILRI on vaccines and misinformation

Strengthening wildlife health capacities and use of One Health can support global efforts to eradicate ‘goat plague’


Scientists find genomic regions associated with better quality stover traits in maize for animal feed

ILRI revamps and relaunches sequencing service unit


ILRI revamps and relaunches sequencing service unit


Towards eradicating rabies in Kenya: One Health Centre in Africa supports vaccination campaign in Machakos


ILRI deploys the Nobel Prize-winning technology, CRISPR-Cas9, to accelerate African swine fever vaccine development


CGIAR AMR Hub strengthens partnerships and research to reduce agriculture-associated antimicrobial resistance in low- and middle-income countries


Updated CGIAR feed database provides best-cost livestock feed rations for sub-Saharan Africa


New One Health Centre in Africa joins global efforts to prevent future pandemics


A new study gives insights on Napier (elephant) grass, a fast-growing tropical grass


One Health Centre in Africa

Breeding bull


Excursions of a biochemical kind: ILRI hosts CUNY–Regeneron ‘power couple’ working to improve the health of African cattle and COVID-19 patients

ILRI’s Kapiti Research Station commits to preserving biodiversity and conserving wildlife through its wildlife corridor

New One Health centre in Africa announces advisory committee members

USAID-funded Regional Feed the Future Animal Health Innovation Lab to be based in Nairobi, Kenya

ILRI Forage Genebank

ILRI Forage Genebank supports development of improved forage varieties to increase livestock productivity in Ethiopia

Global action needed to fight the spread of African swine fever

Grass roots vaccination campaigns support rabies eradication in Kenya

ILRI’s ‘Azizi’ facility is storing samples of livestock and wildlife biodiversity for future research

Proportional piling exercise

Expanding capacity for participatory disease surveillance in Uganda

Diagnostic tests for COVID-19: How useful are they?

The German Federal Government supports Kenya’s efforts for COVID-19 testing

ILRI feed technology research platform makes more fodder available to developing-world livestock keepers

ILRI’s scientists receive the African Academy of Science and Royal Society FLAIR Fellowship

The straw that might break the camel’s back: exploring the link between COVID-19 and antibiotic resistance in low- and middle-income countries

New Tick Cell Biobank Outpost at ILRI to support research in Africa on ticks and tick-borne diseases

African swine fever ten years on: the lessons learned and the way forward

As United States marks January as ‘National One Health Awareness Month’, public, veterinary and environmental health in Africa is bolstered by the start of a new ‘One Health’ centre

ILRI scientists are applying advanced ‘nanovaccinology’ in development of new vaccines against devastating tropical livestock diseases

Animal health experts on the ‘goat plague’ known as PPR chart ways forward for better controlling a widespread disease harming the world’s small-scale sheep and goats producers

#AntimicrobialResistance through the eyes of the journalists in Kenya

Building capacity of African researchers in genomics to play key role in boosting productivity of livestock systems

ILRI and China’s Nanjing Agricultural University commit to deepen collaboration for livestock research and capacity development

ONE HEALTH FOR AFRICA: Germany’s BMZ initiates a new ‘One Health Research, Education and Outreach Centre for Africa’

#OneHealthDay is this Sunday: Join ILRI in collaborative work for healthier people, animals and lands

World Bank report says ‘AMR-smart’ solutions needed to beat superbugs and ensure a healthier future

Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health celebrates five-year milestone and plans for its future

ILRI develops a feed constraint decision making tool, G-FEAST

ILRI develops a feed constraint decision-making tool, G-FEAST

An ILRI developed feed constraint decision making tool, FEAST, applies gender awareness

A few engineering breakthroughs that could (literally) transform Africa’s dairy systems and food security

Scientists test an experimental vaccine against malignant catarrhal fever at ILRI’s Kapiti Research Station

Buffelgrass: a drought-tolerant bunchgrass

Five years of the Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health: celebrating achievements and renewing commitments

ILRI and India’s National Institute of Animal Biotechnology to identify potential areas of research collaborations in livestock genetics and animal health

Boosting Uganda’s action plans on livestock development – BMZ-funded project to tackle animal health challenges

Epidemiology and control of peste des petits ruminants in East and West Africa

Minimizing the risks of Rift Valley fever in Uganda – BuildUganda project to build national​ surveillance and response capacities

Eradicating Peste des Petits Ruminants in Uganda – BuildUganda project to reinforce national disease control capacities

Sam Thevasagayam of the Gates Foundation receives the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons’ 2019 International Award

Reducing antimicrobial use in Uganda’s poultry value chain – BuildUganda project aims to manage risks through tested interventions​

The role of phages: A fight against antibiotic resistance in poultry farms in Kenya

Better breeds for more milk: ​African dairy genetics gains bulls and cows exhibition

Africa’s animal genetic resources – the wealth within

Boosting Uganda’s investments in livestock development – healthy animals for healthy food and healthy people

Boosting Uganda’s investments in livestock development ‘healthy animals for healthy food and healthy people’

Overuse and misuse of antibiotics – a problem driven by the world’s poor and rich alike

My Publications

Lessons learned and next steps for the CGIAR Initiative on One Health

  • Lam, Steven
  • Patel, Ekta
  • Hoffmann, Vivian
  • Bett, Bernard K.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Moodley, Arshnee
  • Rheman, S.
  • Mateo-Sagasta, J.
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet

Pandemic preparedness and One Health at the wildlife–livestock interface

  • Patel, Ekta

The 8th World One Health Congress highlights

  • Hung Nguyen-Viet
  • Alonso, Silvia
  • Patel, Ekta
  • Bakri, A.

Five key takeaways on the irrational use of antimicrobials in livestock and aquaculture systems in low- and middle-income countries

  • Moodley, Arshnee
  • Muloi, Dishon M.
  • Hoffmann, Vivian
  • Murphy, Mike
  • Rheman, Shafiq
  • Hossain, Sabrina
  • Verner-Jeffreys, David
  • Khor, Laura
  • Delamare-Deboutteville, Jerome
  • Patel, Ekta

Enhancing public health: Five key takeaways on zoonotic disease and antimicrobial resistance surveillance

  • Bett, Bernard K.
  • Fèvre, Eric M.
  • Ha Thi Thanh Nguyen
  • Sinh Dang-Xuan
  • Obuta, Amos
  • Mateo-Sagasta, Javier
  • Patel, Ekta

Perceptions and practices of wild meat consumption: Insights from Kenya-Tanzania border settlements amidst global health concerns

  • Patel, Ekta
  • Fa, J.
  • Yongo, M.
  • Funk, S.
  • Thompson, J.
  • Floros, C.
  • Andimile, M.